Proteina câine dieta - de ce este esențial proteine ​​în dieta unui câine?

De ce este esențial proteina în dieta unui câine?

Deci, ați auzit că proteina este bună pentru câini. Dar s-ar putea să te întrebi de ce este așa. Dacă da, ați ajuns la locul potrivit. Îți voi spune ce proteine ​​este și ce surse sunt, și de ce proteinele sunt esențiale în dieta unui câine. Asa ca stai inapoi, relaxeaza-te si bucura-te de acest articol informativ despre proteine ​​pentru caini!

proteine ​​esențiale la câine` /></p><h2>What is protein?</h2><p>Before getting into the whys and wheres that dogs need protein in their diet, let me go ahead and discuss what protein is.</p><p>Protein is a macro-nutrient. All in all, there are three macro-nutrients: protein, fats, and carbohydrates. Macro-nutrients are responsible for providing calories and energy. Protein contains properties that are essential for building muscle mass and increasing energy. It is usually found in animal products but nuts and legumes contain protein as well.</p><p>When protein is consumed by dogs or people, the body breaks it down to help fuel muscle mass, which then eventually leads to metabolism. Additionally, it ensures you a stronger body and immune system.</p><p>Protein is good for both humans and animals. It serves as the building block for nutrition.</p><h2>What are the sources of protein?</h2><p>According to the USDA, the protein group includes seafood, poultry, beans, meat, eggs, nuts, beans, and seeds. Aside from protein from animal sources, there are many other sources of protein – whey, hemp, and soy.</p><p>When looking for protein sources for dogs, you should make sure that these foods are easily digestible. To make things easier for you, I will list down some of the best protein sources for your dogs:</p><!-- Composite Start --><div id= este o modalitate de a mă ajuta să împărtășesc pasiunea prietenilor mei iubiți din întreaga lume. "

Notă: Imaginile deținute de autorul Lauren Peralta prin intermediul Shutterstock.

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